Saturday, May 30, 2009

The first week

I have now been in Kirkuk for a little over a week and thought I'd share some pictures. We flew in a C-130 (the primary transport to the smaller, forward bases) from Qatar, through two other bases and finally to Kirkuk. It only took ~12 hrs for what is really about 3 hours of flight first experience with the Spring sand-storms! The first pics are of us strapped into the plane (notice the webbing that we get to sit on/in) with our individual body armour and helmets "just in case" we go down.

The past week has been spent adjusting to life in Kirkuk, exploring the base and exercising (usually twice each day). The weather is MUCH more mild than Qatar (even 100 feels comfortable compared to the 110's). I live in a MOD with roommates. As you can see, it's a little cramped but certainly could always be worse. The blankets are for privacy (both light and sound) since we all keep somewhat different schedules.

(a row of MOD's with the usual bunkers)

(my home away from home)

There will be plenty of time for more details about the base, but the core components of this week were: the gym (the building shown is the cardio gym, with an identical building just to camera left housing all the weights) .....

(the cardio gym)
...Skyping with my family near the Chapel (I sit in the white chairs inside that bunker on the right b/c it's quiet and dark for good viewing of the screen).....

(foreground pallet stacked w/ H2O bottles...they're everywhere)

(my happy a bunker)

....and doing work at my office in the EMEDS (our small, two building hospital)....

(Ortho doc on left, my desk behind shelves on rt)

(pics of my Lady and the B-ster...of course)

I'm sure you noticed the sandbag-covered bunkers everywhere as cover from mortar attacks and the countless 10-foot concrete T-walls that separate everything on base. Many of the walls have been painted by previous groups or with the name of the services that can be found if you dare to enter. We have a good crew here at the EMEDS and are ready for anything. Unfortunately for my professional pursuits, the trauma surgery business here has been quite slow for the past 6 months as the Army heavily patrols the city and the land surrounding the base. Good for everyone but me... On the bright side, this certainly allows more time for working out and reading (pleasure and professional) than I've had in a LONG while. I will stay prepared and focus on enjoying the non-medical aspects of life in Northern Iraq for now. Love to my family.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


After flying from Maine to Germany, we finished the initial entry by traveling to Al Udeid Air Base in Qatar. Unfortunately, the air transit system over here isn't much more efficient than the rest of the Air Force. So, I've been here for 2 days awaiting a flight to Iraq. This is a very large base and I've only seen the "transient" side of it (which is itself large). We have a pool, a gym, basketball and beach volleyball courts as well as DQ, Burker King, Baskin Robbins, a massage place and a 24hr coffee/internet shop. I also walked 20 minutes to another part of the base (NOT recommended at 11AM when it's >100 degrees and 50% humidity!!) and what did I find...
...that's right, even a Starbucks! I tend to email and work out in the AM and then lay low during the ridiculous heat of the day (movie, read, nap...). The nights are filled with a couple of beers and some card games followed by attempts at sleep and constant awakenings: every night, at least a handfull of people in our tent get up at ~3AM to jump on a flight to somewhere.

We sleep in large tents (there are more than 80 of them), each filled with rows of bunk beds. Our tent can accomodate ~48 guys and was full for the first day or so.

Hopefully, we'll be in Iraq within 24hrs and I'm sure there'll be more good pics to share. Love to my family. I miss you Cita!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Killin' time in Bangor

Well, after all of the stress and worry leading up to this "trip", Uncle Sam decided to ease me into deployment with a two-day stay in Bangor, Maine. Here, we (I and another surgeon from Travis AFB) await our rotator over to Germany and then Qatar. The up-side is that I have constant internet and phone access to see/talk with my family in California and a soft bed to lounge on while killin' time. Oh yeah, and we had a Maine-lobster dinner last night complete with about a half-pound of butter! I miss my wife and son SOOOOOOOO much, but God's strength is more than sufficient. Thanks again for all of your prayers everyone. More to come after we get to the other side of the Pond. I love you Darlin'!!!!