Wednesday, May 20, 2009


After flying from Maine to Germany, we finished the initial entry by traveling to Al Udeid Air Base in Qatar. Unfortunately, the air transit system over here isn't much more efficient than the rest of the Air Force. So, I've been here for 2 days awaiting a flight to Iraq. This is a very large base and I've only seen the "transient" side of it (which is itself large). We have a pool, a gym, basketball and beach volleyball courts as well as DQ, Burker King, Baskin Robbins, a massage place and a 24hr coffee/internet shop. I also walked 20 minutes to another part of the base (NOT recommended at 11AM when it's >100 degrees and 50% humidity!!) and what did I find...
...that's right, even a Starbucks! I tend to email and work out in the AM and then lay low during the ridiculous heat of the day (movie, read, nap...). The nights are filled with a couple of beers and some card games followed by attempts at sleep and constant awakenings: every night, at least a handfull of people in our tent get up at ~3AM to jump on a flight to somewhere.

We sleep in large tents (there are more than 80 of them), each filled with rows of bunk beds. Our tent can accomodate ~48 guys and was full for the first day or so.

Hopefully, we'll be in Iraq within 24hrs and I'm sure there'll be more good pics to share. Love to my family. I miss you Cita!


  1. You mean it's hotter than Baja in September ?

    Please tell me the government provides you with cold instead of warm beer ?


  2. Miss you brother. We got to introduce Carter to CJ and Braden yesterday. They looked great and I promise we will take great care of them. Are they serving any wine over there?

  3. Hi Greg! You and the fam are in our prayers here in P-town.
    Thanks for keeping us posted with this blog - also a great way for us to see a bit of what you guys are doing for our country.
    God Bless!!
    Evelyn and Scott

  4. OK, I tried this on Sat and it didn't work so here goes again! It was great to see your living conditions. Not exactly all the comforts of home!
    I got to pray for CJ before she left on Sat, it is a long trip! Your lawn guy came today and it looks great out there. Your goldfish are still alive too!
    Bob and I continue to pray for you. I will pray that you won't die of boredom!
    Blessings to you, Susan
